A friend asked me the best ways to use grapefruit oil. She had gotten a bottle Young Living grapefruit oil from a friend and wasn’t sure what to do with it. So here are my recommendations:
How to Use Grapefruit Oil:
1. Put a drop or 2 in some water for a refreshing drink and a gentle detox for the body. You will want to use the white labeled Vitality Grapefruit oil for ingestion.
2. Rub it on fatty areas like thighs. Oh, I know none of us have that, but if you happen to have some, put the grapefruit oil there. It can also be mixed with olive oil or organic coconut oil and rubbed on larger areas.
3. Rub on bottoms of feet. Your feet have the largest pores in your body and uptake oils very well. This can help to release fluids and support the liver. Grapefruit can also help calm people when under stress.
4. Diffuse the oil in a cool mist diffuser for a few hours. Who can smell grapefruit and not be in a good mood?
5. Make a foot or hand scrub with grapefruit oil.
- Mix 1 T brown sugar and 1 T olive oil or coconut oil.
- Add 2-3 drops grapefruit oil.
- Take the mixture in your hands and either rub your hands together or rub the scrub all over your feet.
- Then rinse and feel you nice smooth feet or hands.
6. Add 6-8 drops of grapefruit oil to your favorite lotion bottle. Then shake and enjoy the wonderful uplifting scent.
Here’s the deal:
You can get essential oils in lots of places, but not all oils are created equal.
This is your family we are talking about…
Your skin is your largest organ and essential oils applied to your skin are fully absorbed in 26 seconds. Do you want to risk absorbing chemicals or additives right into your family’s skin and blood stream?
Here’s what I do instead:
I love teaching about essential oils and how to use them. I only use Young Living oils though because they are the purest. They are the only company that owns their own farms and has control of the whole process from when the seed goes in the ground to when the bottle of oil gets sealed. I don’t want any funky ingredients in things that my family will be applying or ingesting.
There is no rating system for essential oils:
Since US labeling laws allow for a label to say “100% pure” and the oil only has to be 5% pure, I know that I have to take matters into my own hands when it comes to finding safe products for my family. If an oil is not pure or very potent, people need to know that they will probably have to buy 3-4 times more oil to get the same effect as one bottle of Young Living oil.
I’m very frugal and even though another bottle of oil may look cheaper, I know that not only will I possibly compromise my family’s health because of chemicals that could be in it, but I also know that I would need to buy more oil. That is not very frugal!
My frugal plan:
Buy the best oils from the purest company – Young Living. I got the $375 member (not customer) kit for $160 which gave me over 900 drops of the most popular oils PLUS a diffuser I could use in our home so all of us could breathe in these great oils.
I order oils at wholesale directly from Young Living whenever we need them. I buy them every month so I can take part in their free oils plan (Essential Rewards), but you don’t have to buy every month. Just get oils when you need them.
Follow these instructions:
Learn more about oils and how to get Young Living oils at the cheapest price. Either follow the instructions on the right side of this page or contact me and I’ll guide you every step of the way. Plus, I provide lots of support and help once you are a member with reference material, Q&A help, and samples mailed to you.
No one has ever told me they regretted purchasing their YL Premium Starter Kit! What are you waiting for? Write to me and tell me your concerns. Then get started today!
Other essential oil posts you might like:
Peppermint Oil Uses and Recipes
Grapefruit and Grapefruit vitality are the exact same oils . The FDA made them label them as vitality(ingestible). They are all out of the same batch.
Thanks for this useful post. I just acquired a few essential oils myself (grapefruit, peppermint etc). Please advise on the best combinations of oils (with other natural ingredients) to attract water to hair and skin, thus moisturizing these places. Thanks.
Check out this post for using essential oils for healthy skin. /